Monday, July 20, 2009

Battle of the.....What??? Smurfs Vs Snorks

This week we have those little topless French/Belgian bastards; The Smurfs facing off against the rainbow colored denizens of the deep; The Snorks! With any luck at all we will see these two peace-loving, eco friendly, and unique cultures clash in epic and bloody battle!

Well Craig, I have to say that I am undecided this week. I have no idea who to root for. To the best of my knowledge the Smurfs were never especialy good at anything. They spent most of there time being chased by Gargamel and desperately trying to distinguish themeselves from one another in order to have a slim chance at mating with their sole female; Smurfette. The Snorks aren't much better! Although I seem to remember that they live underwater, saved a guy from a shipwreck, and a couple of them were freaking ROBOTS! Come to think of it they also had several lady Snorks! They could jet around all over the place! Aw Hell, Snorks it is! Those lame as Smurfs are going to have their little blue asses handed to them!

Jordan I gotta say, I'm still in shock over last week's battle. Very bloody and just a tad disturbing, okay maybe more than a tad. But as usual I digress. I'm not sure what to say about this weeks battle. Sure these fuckers are small, but we could have a full blown war on our hands here. After all we are talking about a entire race of beings pitted against one another, not mere individuals. I'm guessing that, no matter who wins this thing, the battle will be epic in proportion. Having said that I'm going with the Snorks. Why, because them bitches can breath under water and on land, brotha. I can just imagine the dumbass Smurfs coming at these guys on some shitty mushroom Smurf boat and the Snorks deep-sixing the entire thing. In the battle of the cutsie turd nuggets I vote Snorks!!


  1. Deffinitly snorks. Smurfs are into the sausage, c'mon, only one female amongst them? I say they are going to be so mesmerized by the phallus on the Snorks heads that they will be oblivious to the fight around them.


  2. First off, thanks for the props on last weeks battle. Man, that was a complete raping. On to this week. I have to disagree with you both. The smurfs will wait on land and are far too intelligent to fall for the "Fight on the Water" crap. The smurfs have specific named and talented smurfs perfect for battle. They evaded Gargamel and that damn cat forever. How you ask? Leadership, that's right Papa smurf can ralley those little blue fuckers the likes we have never seen. They will have a battle plan and then what are the snorks going to do. What a dumb race the snorks. If all else fails, Handy smurf the really strong one, can't remember his name, will go on a rampage murdering the snorks in Spartan fashion. Handy will take the jaw bone of a rat and kill a hundred himself like Samson. This will be a huge bloody mess that will look like the epic battles in LOTR, but the Smurfs will prevail.


  3. Any race of whatever the hell they are that can sustain itself with only one female has my vote !!!
