Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This weeks epic match up features two very worthy adversaries;

Chewbacca vs Sasquatch!

Personally I think Chewie walks away with this one!

Facts: He can service a hyperdrive so he has the edge in intelligence. He can rip arms out of their sockets and he wears a bandoleer...two words; Blaster Crossbow, talk about bad ass! All the Sasquatch can do is lumber around and be slightly out of focus....lame! Sas's only hope is that some inbred, foul smelling hippie will intervene. In the end Sasquatch doesn't stand a chance!

I'm with you on this one.

Chewie is extra mad these days. He was infuriated by Sasquatch's comments leading up to the match. Sasquatch criticised Chewie after Chewie denied his very existance. Sasquatch was quoted as saying "ChewSacka will believe in me after I plant my BigFoot in his hairy starfish". This is going to be a bigger hairy mess than my back. Watch out!!

And there you have it folks, the historic, first ever match up. Please feel free to vote and help us decide the out come. A blow-by-blow account of the real fight will appear before next week's Monday Morning Fight Club throw down!


  1. Although I agree that Chewie would chew right through the Sasquatch I must point out that Craig is obviously biased on this one. He is in love with Chewbacca after all... you've heard him use the mating call haven't you??

  2. There is no doubt in my mind that Chewie would win. He's had combat training and he's met Yoda. Sasquatch lives in the forest and eats berries. While Sas has strength and size, I don't think the matchup would be very fair. Chewie also has strength and size, and he is well armed.

    Jordan - the art looks great!

  3. Ok, let's look at this logically. How many people have seen Sasquatch......not many. That's because he's all stealth and shit. This is how I see the battle. Chewy being the aggressive one would attempt to find Sas on his turf. Granted Chewy is experienced at battling, but he would not be able to find Sas. A small glimpse.......then gone.

    This big, dumb wookie would eventually have to sleep, then the Rambo type stalker that the Sas is would completely annialate Chewy in his sleep. Nothing to be all that proud of, but nevertheless sweet victory for the Sas. It's all about being Stealth!!!!!

  4. I'm going with the Sasquatch on this one! He has that stealth shit going on. After all these years only one drunk dude in Northern Manitoba has been able to get a good shot of him. Chewie might have his fancy bow and the Force but you can't shoot what you can't see. Sasquatch would be like... ooops, I'm over here... nope I'm over here now... then POW! drivin' the twigs and berries up Chewie's ass!!

  5. I have to disagree with you both on this one and the reason is simple: all we know about Sasquatch is from a distance. Pictures from a distance, sightings from a distance. Anybody who has been up close to Sasq has not lived to tell about it. Well except the bionic man. If I remember correctly Steve Austin beat him (I am sure it is on youtube, but alas, no youtube at work). I also believe Sasquatch and Steve became friends in the end. A good friend to have in your corner...way better than Han Solo. Chewy's hyperdrive has nothing on Sasquatches spinning tunnel thingy.

    So my rankings would be:
    1. Bionic Man
    2. Sasquatch
    3. Chewbacca


  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JktcQ2A32cU

    The above link will back up the claims of my earlier post...except it doesn't show the spinny tunnel.

  7. Brett say:

    Sas all day long. Simple as that. Chewie may have intelligence enough to hold a bowcaster in two hands. But his performance on Endor with what essentially amounts to midget wookies sans up-to-date weaponry was substandard at very best.

    Seems to me all Chewie was truly qualified to do was bitch at Han all day, which makes him even more a sad sack. Plus I've heard from reliable sources that fixing a hyperdrive on a millenium falcon is tantamount to replacing washer fluid in a K car.

    In regards to the Sas. Who is he? Where is he? For christs sakes, what is he? We'll never know, because he's simply that remarkable. Stealth skills as mentioned previously, hardly even crack the window on the woodsy enigma that is the Sas.

  8. Sasquatch would win hands down! That big-foot wannah-Be wouldn't stand a chance. Even if Chewie does have a crossbow blaster,Sas has the ability to set people and wookies on fire using only his mind and he can fly 2!!
