Monday, August 3, 2009

Best Fight Ever!

Well folks it this week we have a very special match up in store for you....well not really. It seems Craig has decided to take this week and make nature his bitch once again. As a result we would like to take this opportunity to ask our readership who they would like to see featured as a combatant in a future episode. So feel free to list as many people/zombies/robots/ghosts as you would like in the comments section. The more obscure the better. As an example; Zombie Christopher Reeves Vs Robot, Werewolf Ricardo Mantelban.

1 comment:

  1. Devastator vs Voltron
    Lestat vs Bill
    Oscar the Grouch vs Barney
    Buckaroo Bonzai vs The Comedian
    Gollem vs Smeagol
    Sean Connery vs Roger Moore
    Snake vs Ash


